I wanted to track my progress/growth as a artist (and tbh, as a person as well), as well as track the music I’ve made throughout this journey called life.

Mid 2015, I found myself in a really dark place. I felt broken, hopeless, and isolated. It was in this darkness that I challenged myself to make music.
I had always wanted to be a musician; I just needed a push.

I didn’t want to make songs, I wanted to communicate. I didn’t write because I felt something was catchy, I just wanted to be heard, and understood.

It’s profoundly encouraging to look back at the recordings I started to make almost a decade ago, and recognize the growth and progression: not just musically, but as a learning, growing, & struggling human being.

“Do the best you can until

you know better.

Then when you know better,

do better.”

- Maya Angelou